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Ready Tactical Slings “When Seconds Count”



Ready Tactical Slings “When Seconds Count”


One Of A Kind


 Welcome to Ready Tactical Slings, producer of the most configurable, fastest on target from other slings on the market!


Ease & Comfort

Our unique sling provides a patented Gortex infused stretch material allowing the operator to go on target without making any adjustments to the sling itself.  This creates a sling that is well supported while moving or standing yet still available for use as needed without having to deal with adjustments. 


Law Enforcement and Security Personnel

RTS slings are well suited for LEO use and security personnel from security details, secret service or 3rd party security forces.  These slings allow you to go hands on while maintaining security of your firearm.  Most LEO’s don’t carry their long gun on a daily basis.  They instead lean on their pistol as their primary weapon.  The long gun is mounted in the trunk or between the front seats.  This sling can be left on the firearm allowing you to quickly put your arm through the loop and secure the other end behind your back to the front mount point.  Once mounted you are free to use both hands while doing administrative duties or while defusing situations with the public.


Every Second Matters


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 RTS Slings are focused on realizing that adjustments take time and security of the firearm is paramount.  Single point slings tend to hit your knees or worse while moving.  Center point slings while comfortable at times limit movement and restrict weapon use.  2 point slings benefit from more secure carry but many times need to be adjusted to utilize properly.  RTS allows you to utilize the sling based on the mission you are faced with allowing for faster on target acquisition while being able to benefit from whichever sling carry method works best for the mission.






Ready Tactical Sling, the most advanced tactical sling on the market today.  When seconds count, count on American made, Ready Tactical Sling.  3 year warranty, 30 day money back guarantee, American made.  You will find that every firearm you own deserves a Ready Tactical Sling.


Buy yours today!

PMCI Magazine Article

PMCI Magazine Article





military Application


Military application has several requirements that are unique to their application.  Unlike Law enforcement where use of the sling is limited due to long guns not being their primary weapon, military personnel see their long gun as their primary and will wear their rifle all day every day while deployed from base.  They are constantly getting in and out of vehicles, standing for hours at a time, they are in full load out kits with additional weaponry, magazines, grenades etc mounted to their rig.  Ready Tactical Sling provides multiple options for the operator to mount their firearm as well as change it up for different mission purposes or just for comfort.


Some slings make it difficult for entry and exit from vehicles.  Ready Tactical allows quick disconnect from the weapon while leaving the sling mounted to you. In addition, for comfort you can quickly change up to single point or center point depending either on mission or just quick change up for comfort.


RTS is a perfect sling for SBR’s allowing either 2 point config or single point.  Also allows for swapping between rifles while using the same sling keeping you from having to maneuver the sling around your load out kit while changing weapons


 It’s time to stop dealing with limited slings.  Move up to the Ready Tactical Sling and enjoy function and comfort while deployed.


● Made in the USA

● Multiple configurations from single, 2 point, and Center point depending on mission

● Patented Gortex infused stretch fabric maintains original strength over time

● Double stitched, high tensile strength thread designed for long term use







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